"A Christmas Memory" is a story about two unlikely friends. The story reveals something about the nature of friendship and the enduring power of love--even when, to the rest of the world, the friendship seems odd, and the love is not noticed at all. What do friends give each other? Think about your oldest friendship--why do some friendships last while others don't?
I truly love the friendship in A Christmas Memory because Buddy and his best friend's friendship is simple and sincere. The friendship is neither based on wealth nor profits, it's simply sharing and caring. Buddy and his 60-year-old best friend earn money in order to make fruitcakes and give them to whoever they met once or twice, basically, they give fruitcakes to strangers. They both enjoy the process which deepen their friendship every year; yet life is cruel. It's difficult to maintain the friendship perpetual due to the health. Friends give each other warmth, encouragement, and support whenever friends encounter difficulties. Friendship is subtle and hard to explain, since friends just form naturally. When the feeling is right, we can understand that we will become friends. Though I think destiny is held in my hands, but I do believe that destiny implicates my friends. Acquaint with friends, like patches of drifting duckweed, is met by chances. Some friendships last forever, firm and steadfast; yet some friendships are ephemeral, gradually weaken when time pasts. When the friendship undergoes difficulties, challenges, and passing time, the friendship will found into a keen edge which slices every obstacle in front of you. The difference is complicated, but I know that I have friendships which will last eternally. Some friends forget you after they graduate, because they have another group of new friends, and the friendship between you two is past. Some friends still remember you though you both are far apart because they treasure the friendship truthfully and they will think of you in leisure time. My kindergarten partner is my oldest friendship. She is an optimistic, sunshine-like girl who is pretty talkative. Though the distance between us is far and remote, due to technology and Internet, we chat on Facebook and yahoo messenger. We can understand the recent condition of us and encourage and learn from each other on the way to future.The word "friend" is more meaningful than its exterior to me. It means that a buddy who accompanies me that I can vent my grievance, pour out my woes, and share my happiness. The most important is that I can tell everything to my friends. I don't have to disguise myself under a mask, because they understand me so much that we know each other's emotional feelings. Friends are buddies who understand you and who we can share secrets and cry on their shoulders.